Childloss Statistics

Childloss Statistics
I have to admit that I did not know much about the magnitude of how many babies and children die before our own sons passed away. Like many parents, I might have been most afraid of the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) after birth. Now that I did some ...

Support Network

Support Network
Being able to speak to other bereaved parents after our sons died has proven to be one of the most important elements of learning to deal with our grief. Only other parents who have gone through it really understand what it means to lose a child. In the United States many organizations exist that organize ...

Making a difference

Making a difference
From talking to other parents we know that many bereaved parents fear that their child might be forgotten and how important it is to acknowledge the child. Sometimes it might even feel as if the child has not existed if the parents experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth or very early loss. The normality of day-to-day life ...